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Wurm Server Release Notes 2012

966 bytes added, 09:43, 2 April 2012
no edit summary
== 120402 Fixing some metallurgy, liquid mixing etc ==
Numbers were off for metallurgy and some liquids such as fruit juice, which is dealt with
Fungus trap was useless and can now be cast outside of mycelium and Libila influence like the Ice and Fire pillar counterparts
== 120401 Lag reduction ==
Some of the lag that the recent changes introduces should be gone after this update
The bug where materials sometimes weren't used when building was fixed
Creation of lye and other liquids should use proper amounts now
We don't have any April's fools joke this year. Honestly. This isn't a joke at all, seriously. Haha April's fool!
Ok that was really cheap but things are hectic!
== 120331 Upwards retweaking ==
Prices for ropes and locks are back up at what it was before due to the wemp requirements
The powerful animal loyalty was unnerfed a bit
Keys will not take damage when failing to create moulds
The convert bug was fixed
Zombies will no longer instadie
== 120329 Wonderful Time(r)s! ==
*Faster timers for most actions!


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