<p>to autorun.txt so you can use ' {{key|I}} ' for inventory etc, much easier than using the function keys. {{smiley}}</p>
==Old Bind File Autorun.bsh (Obsolete)==
==Wurm Commands==start by adding the following line to keep things organised, then make all your cahnges under that:===Weather===<pre>* weather.bolt()// user defined</pre>* weather.showConsole()this one adds a function key to open statistics:<pre>===Renderer===bind f4 "toggle stats"* renderer.dumpPerf()</pre>* renderer.lock() some peoples clients are missing the screenshot command:* renderer.rebuildTextures()<pre>* renderer.bind f11 "screenshot()* renderer.toggleHud()"* renderer.toggleTorch()</pre>the following opens windows when the client loads:===Console===<pre>* console.toggle()skills* console.toggleFullscreen() toggle inventorytoggle stats===In-Game Windows===</pre>* wurm.showInventorythis stops jk chat from loading when the game starts ()* wurmbut sometimes someone gets in a message b4 it takes effect.showSkills(placing it at the top of the file may help):<pre>===Wurm Movement Commands===say /kchat* wurm.toggleWalkProtection()</pre> Note the following lines can be changed so that although these are called Keys they are actually commands.no longer work by adding "//":<pre>* Keys.KEY_MOVE_FRONTbind t toggle_chat* Keys.KEY_MOVE_LEFTtoggle keyboard_hints* Keys.KEY_MOVE_BACK</pre>* Keys.KEY_MOVE_RIGHTso they should look like:* Keys.KEY_TURN_LEFT<pre>* Keys.KEY_TURN_RIGHT// bind t toggle_chat* Keys.KEY_AUTO_RUN// toggle keyboard_hints* Keys.KEY_CENTER_VIEW</pre>* Keys.KEY_STRAFE* Keys.KEY_TURN_UP* Keys.KEY_TURN_DOWN ==Key events=====Letter keys===KeyEvent.VK_A ... KeyEvent.VK_Z ===Function keys===KeyEvent.VK_F1 ... KeyEvent.VK_F12 ===Arrow keys===* KeyEvent.VK_UP* KeyEvent.VK_DOWN* KeyEvent.VK_LEFT* KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ===Other keys===* KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE* KeyEvent.VK_END* KeyEvent.VK_INSERT* KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP* KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN ==Miscellaneous== From a comment in the wurm forums: For those of you having problems with textures getting broken: When 1.0.5a comes out, add 1st one makes the enter key the following to your autorun.bsh: keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE, "wurm.rebuildTexturesonly key that focuses (makes active)");on the message box
that way you can press backspace to force all textures to get rebuilt.the 2nd one removes the text at the top of the screen like "F1: console"
==Sample autorun.bsh==you could add this to know how much sleep bonus you have when you log in:
say /** * Everything in this file will be automatically executed when Wurm is started. * If you ever mess up this file and need to reset it to the default values, * just delete it and restart wurm. */ import com.wurmonline.client.api.*; System.out.println("Running autorun.bsh"); // WASD movement keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_W, Keys.KEY_MOVE_FRONT);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_A, Keys.KEY_MOVE_LEFT);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_S, Keys.KEY_MOVE_BACK);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_D, Keys.KEY_MOVE_RIGHT);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_Q, Keys.KEY_TURN_LEFT);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_E, Keys.KEY_TURN_RIGHT);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_X, Keys.KEY_AUTO_RUN);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_C, Keys.KEY_CENTER_VIEW); // Numpad/arrow movement keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_UP, Keys.KEY_MOVE_FRONT);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_DOWN, Keys.KEY_MOVE_BACK);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_LEFT, Keys.KEY_TURN_LEFT);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, Keys.KEY_TURN_RIGHT);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, Keys.KEY_AUTO_RUN);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, Keys.KEY_CENTER_VIEW);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_HOME, Keys.KEY_TURN_UP);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_END, Keys.KEY_TURN_DOWN);keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_INSERT, Keys.KEY_STRAFE); // For those of you having problems with textures getting broken:// you can press F7 to force all textures to get rebuiltkeys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_F7, "renderer.rebuildTextures()"); keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_B, "weather.bolt()");keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_F8, "console.toggleFullscreen()");keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_F9, "weather.showConsole()");keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_F10, "renderer.toggleHud()");keys.bind(KeyEvent.VK_F11, "renderer.screenshot()");sleep
this would work best at the bottom of the file I think.