:Choose from None, "Sky only", "Sky and terrain", "Sky, terrain, and trees", "Almost everything". Have set to NONE unless you have a semi-old card (FX5600 or better at least) and a good CPU (AMD athlon 2000+, 2GHZ P4). It has a great effect on performance, turning it on will use a lot, but with a good comp it only gives a small drop in performance and it does make the water look nice.
;Tile Decorations
:Choose from Extremely Sparse, Sparse, Normal, Dense, or Extreme. Have this set to Extremely Sparsefor a performance boost. It Using higher settings makes it the game much prettier, but you also have a harder time finding anything on the ground, unless it is on/in Dirtdirt, road, water, rock or sand. Large performance drop if used. Using the extreme setting is not recommended, it will effect performance greatly.
;Tree Render Distance
:Choose from Very short, Short, Normal, Far, or Extreme. The amount of trees you can see. Have set to Very Short to have best performance. However, structures, items and animals will not be rendered beyond the tree limit. Short or Normal are optimal for quality versus performance. Only use the better options if using far or extreme when you have a good computer. Using the extreme setting is not recommended, it will effect performance greatly.
;Structure Render Distance
:Choose from Very short, Short, Normal, Far, or Extreme. The distance in which you can see structures. Set it to very short for a performance boost when you are in a (large) town. Set to Extreme if you want to see towns from quite a distance away. ''The maximum setting of this option is the setting of Tree Render Distance''
;Item/Creature Render Distance
:Choose from Very short, Short, Normal, Far, or Extreme. Set this to very short for a performance boost. Setting this to extreme helps looking for items and creatures. ''The maximum setting of this option is the setting of Tree Render Distance''
;Sky Detail
Choose from Low, Normal, High. Set to high for more detailed clouds, but much less performance. Set to low for very crude clouds, but heaps of performance.
;Cave Detail
:Choose from Very Low, Low, Normal, High. Set to normal, the difference in performance from Low to Normal is minimal, and in a Cave cave you don't need great performance mostly. Even set to the highest does not drop your performance too much.
:Set this to none for a great performance increase. Setting this to the highest setting will cause the client to render everything twice.
:ON is prettier but it isn't essential as it only makes the Tile Border between tiles blend between the tiles. Turn it OFF to increase performance slightly.
;Render Bloom("glow")
:Set to OFFfor performance. Very pretty, makes the game look great, but has a large effect on performance. Makes the game look...well, more lifelike, look at the sun and you will not see much :P
;Pretty weather
:Have OFFfor performance. Performance will drop a great deal when it starts to rain, but on will make weather look nicer, but weather is really nice anyway so it´s up to you.