* Same-side spirits and kingdom guards no longer yield skill.
* The crown of might should not be able to dominate more than one unique at a time. The times it can be used every day has been reduced and it also has a few minutes cooldown on failures.
* Shields are still being worked at. During the weekend they were pretty much useless. Now they are more useful again but they may still need tweaking. Since shield skillgain was at least 4 times too fast for a while all your shield skills have been reduced to 50%. Hopefully you grinded it before the rampant skillgain did benefit a while.
== 080307 ==
* Shield skillgain was lowered. Damage to shields was halved for non-crushing weapons and creatures. Parrying arrows and melee attacks for shields was too easy and made a bit more difficult.
== 080305 ==
* Shooting in the face, legs or head while the target is moving was made much harder.
* Shields now take more damage since they were too easy to grind skill with.
== 080302 ==
* A bug where you could not loot your own corpse was fixed.