Behind Stonewood Pass was an archery range designed by one of the villagers, and behind that was a vertical rock slope. The instant Arowhun saw the mountain, he wanted to get to the top. More experianced people in the town warned that there could be something terrible on top, like a dragon or kyklops (this person didn't know all the uniques on the island were already Penned or killed). In order to climb up, Arowhun and some of the other villagers climbed up 15 metters, mined inward and created a small cave, and then repeated. They used each cave on the way up to regain their stamina to go up further. Their process of creating this crude ladder was interrupted when their path was blocked by a starving champion brown bear. The creature was very frightening to Arowhun, so he stayed far away from it. One of the villagers shot arrows at it with his longbow, and the bear was lured down. The group ganked up on the bear and killed it. Then they butchered it and shared the meat in a meal of celebration. After a few more days of building the ladder the cliff turned into dirt so they could sadly climb no higher (they didn't realize that they could have built fences).
Someone Some people in the town decided that he they didn't like the forest, and he wanted to copy Nation of Grizlam and build by creating a desert. This angered Arowhun and a few of the other villagers, because they really enjoyed the forest. Arowhun had to quit the game for a few months, so he never saw what resulted of this dispute. When he returned, he found the town abandoned, with a sign that said "ranoutofmoneyhadtoleave" in the middle of the unfinished desert(the small desert project is still there, and you can see it on the Independence map north of Gustaberg. Stonewood Pass was directly east of that desert, hugging the mountain.).