In general there are 3 types of traders in wurm, some Traders come with size 10 deeds.<br> Traders buy only (rare)and sell items, some sell with the price depending on supply and demand. Each item has a base price. Traders only (often), some do bothhave the items people sold them. They always have every type of town deed and homestead deed. A general trader is [[Trader Dole]] who does both, buy and sell placed by a citizen of a town becomes a town trader. These traders pay taxes to the town they belong to for each item sold. The taxes go towards the towns deed upkeep. Traders occasionally receive money from the king. The money from itemsbought from the trader stay with the trader. The money from deeds bought from the trader go directly towards the king.
Players may hire traders with a trader contract. This costs 1 gold, they also come with size 10 deeds.<br>
Traders must be placed at a minimum distance of 63 tiles apart.