== Description ==
Not much is known about the actual item. However the meaning of Beguile (source word of beguiling) is this:
Main Entry: be·guile<br>
Function: verb<br>
Pronunciation: bi-'gī(&)l<br>
Inflected Form(s): be·guiled ; be·guil·ing<br>
transitive senses<br>
1 : to lead by deception <br>
2 : HOODWINK <br>
3 : to while away especially by some agreeable occupation ; also : DIVERT <br>
4 : to engage the interest of by or as if by guile <br>
intransitive senses : to deceive by wiles <br>
synonym: see DECEIVE <br>
- be·guile·ment/ noun <br>
- be·guil·er/ noun <br>
- be·guil·ing·ly/ adverb<br>