If anyone has the /news from before March 2004 please add it to this page.
== 060608 ==
* A bug was fixed with the penalty for same-side attacking non-outlaws. The penalty was increased for home servers. In order to get to grips with the amount of thievery going on on the homeserver, the king now declares everyone an outlaw as soon as he or she is found stealing there.
* Bug with too much data sent when creatures moving fixed.
* Passing through fences should now happen much more seldom.
* Scrap material will no longer be yielded when failing to create something from scrap material.
* Bug with fighting affecting questions like 'who got the kill?' fixed.
* Weapons belonging to monsters no longer take damage when fighting.
* Premium accounts now have twice the fatigue (12 hours added).
* Faithgain bugfix.
* Followers of Libila may not enter the homeserver for a while. People who convert to libila are now insta-transferred to the wild server.
* You may now create some natural healing treatments.