:Choose from Extremely Sparse, Sparse, Normal, Dense, or Extreme. Have this set to Extremely Sparse. It makes it much prettier, but you also have a harder time finding anything on the ground, unless it is on/in Dirt, road, water, rock or sand. Large performance drop if used.
;Tree Render Distance
:Choose from Very short, Short, Normal, Far, or Extreme. The amount of trees you can see. Have set to Very Short to have best performance . However, structures, items and ability to see stuff farther away in a forest ;) But animals will not be rendered beyond the tree limit. Short or Normal are optimal for quality versus performance. Only use the better options if using a good computer.
;Structure Render Distance
:Choose from Very short, Short, Normal, Far, or Extreme. The distance in which you can see structures. Set it to very short for a performance boost when you are in a (large) town. Set to Extreme if you want to see towns from quite a distance away. ''The maximum setting of this option is the setting of Tree Render Distance''