These titles will be updated periodically. These are the titles received so far:
*Logging started 2012-11-12[[Smith]]/[[Tinker]]**[03:00:56[Blacksmith]]/[[Renowned blacksmith]] You have just received the title 'Chainsmith'! *Logging started 2012-11-16**[23:52:12[Armorsmith]] You have just received the title 'Blacksmith'! *Logging started 2012-12-01**[10:02:29[Chainsmith]]/[[Renowned chainsmith]] You have just received the title 'Smith'! *Logging started 2012-12-17**[16:00:41[Platesmith]]/[[Renowned platesmith]] You have just received the title 'Carpenter'! *Logging started 2012-12-28**[07:27:43[Shieldsmith]]/[[Able shieldsmith]] You have just received the title 'Miner'! *Logging started 2012-12-31**[01:10:25[Weaponsmith]] You have just received the title 'Trollslayer'! *Logging started 2013-01-08**[16:37:39[Locksmith]] You have just received the title 'Fletcher'! *Logging started 2013-02-24[[Shieldsman]]**[07:22:37[Archer]]/[[Bowman]] You have just received the title 'Renowned Chainsmith'! *Logging started 2013-02-24**[12:40:03[Soldier]]/[[Mercenary]] You have just received the title 'Platesmith'! *Logging started 2013-02-24**[14:51:40[Lumberjack]] You have just received the title 'Shieldsmith'! *Logging started 2013-03-15**[23:20:33[Carpenter]] You have just received the title '/[[Renowned Carpenter'! *Logging started 2013-03-16carpenter]]**[04:43:18[Fletcher]] You have just received the title 'Bowmaker'! *Logging started 2013-04-01**[17:49:18[Bowmaker]] You have just received the title 'Handyman'! *Logging started 2013-05-22**[21:28:08[Handyman]] You have just received the title 'Renowned Blacksmith'! *Logging started 2013-05-27**[17:15:41[Miner]] You have just received the title 'Tinker'! *Logging started 2013-06-01**/[[11:48:19Prime minester]] You have just received the title 'Weaponsmith'! *Logging started 2013-06-09**[10:18:50[Mason]] You have just received the title 'Lumberjack'! ''As a precautionary measure, combat related skill titles have been omitted.''