Settlement:Crystal Pastures

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Freedom settlement

This is a settlement on the Freedom Isles.

Crystal Pastures
It's lonely here at the top, but you eat better.

Size 61x27 Village

  • None

Village information

Location 40x, 31y Budding Village, Hiring new players. We supply a 6x10 tile location that is yours to do with what you want. We have 4 jobs. Wall maintenance, Digging, Farming, and Fishing/Hunting. While you are trying to figure out what you want to do in game. We provide a Cart with tools that help you in which ever you choose to do.

For the best information contact Rebmac, but also reachable is Amiti (his wife) or Lanaya.

Master Carpenter: Kathnelakr

Master Ship builder: Kathnelakr

Fo Priest: Amiti

Mag Priest: TotalDarkness

Vyn Priest: TeraLynn

Master Blacksmith:

Master Hunter/fighter: Amiti

Master Farmer: Teralynn

Master Cook: Amiti

(more jobs available)


While living in our village is free, we do ask that one of 4 jobs is done. These jobs are currently Wall Maintenance, Digging, Farming/Animal maintenance and Fishing/Hunting.

Wall Maintenance, You're responsible for the improvement, and repair of stone, or wood walls/fences. This also includes mining rock shards, and cutting bricks according to the master miner's plans. If you do a good enough job, you will also be entrusted with the building/planning of new walls.

Digging: You're responsible for digging clay/tar/dirt and sand. Mostly Tar will be the #1 need, with Clay and sand coming a close second. Dirt will only be needed if an area needs flattened.

Farming/Animal maintenance. Under direction you will be given a section of farm to watch over, make sure it's farmed, / weeded, and if anything needs harvested, you alert a harvester (Amiti or Lanaya currently). Tending to the animals can be done at any time, making sure food is on the ground for pigs/dogs/hens, and all the animals that can be groomed are.

Fishing/Hunting: You will be given tools of the trade, fishing is a pole and a cart to drag the fish around in. Hunting is armor/weapons, and either a hunting party, or if you wish to go it alone, then a prayer and some bandages. Your main goal is to bring meat back so we all get good quality meals.

Each job is easy to do for beginners (maybe not hunting) and will work those basic skills up that either require you to build something or work on something. All we require is an hour each log in, work on a section, say in village chat which section you're working and what you're doing (which will get checked) after that you are free to do what you wish.

Tasks to complete

  1. Flatten slums
  2. Mine path from upper to lower mine
  3. Finish walls west side
  4. Flatten tar road/create fence for back of farm to tar (Remove back farm wall, raise road, rebuild back farm wall with fence at tar)
  5. Repair/ Imp all walls
  6. Create carts and tools for new villagers

Open recruitment for villagers who are willing to do a job.

We have a Team Speak Server, and are active when speaking.