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Bee hive

1 byte added, 14:26, 11 February 2017
Small reworded note, added links
If a wild hive has '''two queen bees''', the hive quality will not affect the chances of migration.
*A domestic bee hive will have a higher chance of migration the closer it is to the wild hive.*The migration will bring the second queen to the domestic hive.
If a wild hive's queen(s) have all migrated, the wild hive will be removed.
== Opening a Hive ==
[[File:Wildhiveopen.jpg|500px|thumb|left|Wild hive's contents]]
When opening a hive, the bees can sting you, dealing [[poison ]] damage, unless you have a lit [[bee smoker]].*Note: When opening a hive with a lit bee smoker in the inventory, all produced [[honey ]] and bees wax [[beeswax]] within the hive has a chance to may be removed.
*Bees will not sting passers by.


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