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1 byte added, 20:42, 13 July 2017
Grammar correction. Noone to no one
==A Word Of Caution==
While the Wurm community and staff try their best to prevent scams, noone no one but the people directly involved in the trade can be held responsible for the outcome of each transaction. Especially when trading via real life currency, that can become an issue. Scams are less than frequent, but they do happen, and you will wish to be as careful as possible to avoid that scenario. For that, there was an official warning to all players issued by the staff, which you are recommended to read. It is advised for you to trade only with people who have a reputation of completing successful trades, or who have someone respectable to back up their intentions as a first time trader.
Make sure to take screenshots or even record your transactions and keep the results as proof for a successful transaction, or a scam just in case.


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