A highway is defined as a 2-3 tile wide paved road connecting that leads between two or more deeds . Single paved roads that are paved on the edge with gravel also count as a format of either a single tile road with sand borders on each side -or- 2 or more tiles widehighway.
The sand functions to keep trees from growing directly next to the highway as to increase the visibility against threats. Higher quality Official protected highways can be painstakingly terraformeduse a marker per tile corner which will protect all 4 tiles around it. Some highways can be found to be paved Most of these markers are called [[Catseye|Catseyes]], with much more time-intensive a second type called a [[stone slabsWaystone]], which is used primarily at junctions, e.g. where roads meet or as a terminus (on deed).
For More information on the rulings mechanics on highways please see can be found on [httphttps://forumdocs.wurmonlinegoogle.com/index.php?document/topicd/123123-wurm1enAogVQhXsDvKrOT0DCna5zWh-rules/#entry1265236 z4RCsN9ABxMnDSmjw this forum postGoogle document].