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381 bytes added, 05:27, 20 May 2018
added firepillar command
; exec <filename> : Executes each line in the file as a console command.
; irc [server] [port] : Connects to the specified [[IRC]] network. Defaults are and 6667. <br> If the defaults are used, the client also autoconnects to #wurm
; firepillar : Creates a short flame animation on the player's current tile, similar to the [[Fire pillar]] spell, and changes the tile's texture to that of a lava tile for the rest of the play session. When used underground, the tile changed is the corresponding above-ground tile at that location. This is a visual effect only, and does not affect what is seen by other players.
; ircsay <text> : Sends the text to the topmost IRC window.
; loadtoolbelt <0-9> : Loads the toolbelt of the specified number.

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