All water tiles are categorized into 6 groups:
#Sea - open water
#Sea shallows - open water shallower than 25dirts
#Lake - enclosed water, larger than a pond
#Lake shallows - enclosed water shallower than 25dirts
#Pond - enclosed water, not big enough to be a lake
#Water - not big enough to be a pond
*any water tiles underground uses Lake are considered lake or Pond (pond or Water)water, depending on size.
Lake water is considered fresh, while sea water is considered brackish. Brackish water can be drunk and used for cooking as usual (with no ill effect), and can be boiled to make salt - 1 salt per kilogram of brackish water. The type, depth, and category of water affects the kind of fish that can be found within.
Lake All surface tiles with a corner underwater (i.e. below the water is considered fresh, while sea table height) are marked as water is considered brackish. Brackish There is then a fill process, starting at the map borders, marking any connected water can be drunk and used for cooking tiles as usual sea; shallow connected tiles (with no ill effecti.e. less than 25 deep), and can be boiled to make salt - 1 salt per kilogram of brackish waterare considered sea shallows.
All surface Once all tiles with connected to the borders have been handled, any bodies of water that contiguously cover at least 7 tiles in a corner underwater row (i.e. below the water table heightN-S and E-W) are marked as WATERconsidered like tiles. There is then a fill process, starting at the map borders, marking any connected WATER Additional water tiles as SEA; shallow connected next to lake tiles (i.e. the lake fills its connected tiles) are also considered lake tiles. Any lake tiles that are less than 25 dirts deep) are marked as SEA_SHALLOWS. Note lake shallows, and any sea shallows tiles that are closer to a SEA_SHALLOWS lake tile does not count as than a connected sea tile for the purpose of converting WATER are converted to SEAlake shallows.
Once all tiles connected to the borders have been handled, For any remaining bodies of WATER that contiguously cover at least LAKE_RADIUS water tiles , if the body is a contiguous body of 2 in a row (N-S and E-W) , the tiles are converted to LAKE pond tiles. Additional WATER tiles next to LAKE , along with any adjacent water tiles are also converted to LAKE (i.e. the LAKE pond fills adjacent WATER its connected tiles). Any LAKE tiles Note that are less pond radius is intended to be smaller than 25 deep are marked as LAKE_SHALLOWSlake radius, and any SEA_SHALLOWS tiles that are closer so a pond is a body of water that’s too small to be a LAKE tile than lake (but still large enough to be a SEA tile are converted to LAKE_SHALLOWSpond: 2-6 tiles in radius).
For any remaining bodies of WATER tiles, if the body is a contiguous body of POND_RADIUS in a row (N-S and E-W), the tiles are converted to POND, along with any adjacent WATER tiles (i.e. the POND fills its connected tiles). Note that POND_RADIUS is intended to be smaller than LAKE_RADIUS, so a POND is a body of WATER that’s too small to be a LAKE (but still large enough to be a POND). Any tiles in caves (i.e. underground) with a corner under water is then marked as WATERwater. Large contiguous bodies of underground WATER water are then marked as LAKE lake or PONDpond, depending on size, in the same way as above-ground LAKE lake and POND tiles. At the end of this process, there may still be some WATER pond tiles - these will be bodies of water too small to be PONDs. Tiles are recalculated at server start.
* Inland body of water surrounded by shallows = LAKE lake (assuming it’s large enough, POND pond if it’s too small)* Inland LAKE lake connected to SEA sea by at least 25 depth canal = SEAsea* Inland LAKE lake connected to SEA sea by less than 25 depth canal = LAKElake* Any tile with water, less than 25 depth = SHALLOW shallows (sea or lake depending on closest water tile)LAKE * Lake = 7 radius (N-S, E-W), POND pond = 2 radius (N-S, E-W)* All water in caves is automatically fresh* Single tile over 25 deep = WATERwater, probably won’t get fish in it