*The owner and any person with the Manage right can modify the usage permissions through a window available via the right-click > Manage vehicle context menu. The permissions control Driver (embarking as commander), Mount (embarking as a passenger), Access inventory hold of the cart, and Manage these settings. Each of these rights can be granted or denied to all Friends, Villagers, and Everyone. The owner will always have all permissions.
*Any player can drag push a non-hitched cart in the wildernessoff deed, regardless of whether or not it's locked. [[Settlement|Deed]] settings, hitched animals, weight constraints, and local security can help prevent carts from being undesirably taken by others. Dragging an unhitched cart off deed requires that it is unlocked or that the player has permissions.
*Important: Permissions only take effect when the cart is locked with a [[small padlock|small]] or [[large padlock]], and anyone can attach one, if one isn't attached already, to enable the permissions. Older carts may not have locks attached; however, all newly created carts automatically include a working lock upon creation.