!! width="50"| Category !! width="200" | Trait name !! width="200" | Effect!! width="50" | Base Skill ([[Epic]] Curve Skill) !! width="50" | Value
| '''Combat, Rare'''| ''It is a tough bugger.seems extremely tame'' || Withstands more damage Aggressive animals become passive |22 (11.68)? | 50
| Combat
| Less likely to be attacked by aggressive creatures when tame
| ?
| 15
| Combat
| ''It is a tough bugger.'' || Withstands more damage
|22 (11.68)
| 15
| ?
| 20
| '''Draft, Rare'''
| ''It seems stronger than normal''
| Carry weight bonus
| ?
| '''Draft, Rare'''
| ''It seems more nimble than normal''
| Increased maximum rideable slope
| ?
| 0
| Draft
| 20
| Miscellaneous| ''Bred in captivity.'' | Informational, will not count toward the max number of traits | ? | 0|-| '''DraftMiscellaneous, Rare'''| ''It seems stronger than normalhas a chance to produce twins'' | Carry weight bonusChance to birth twins
| ?
| '''DraftMiscellaneous, Rare'''| ''It seems more nimble than normalimmortal'' | Increased maximum rideable slopeWill never die as if cared for
| ?
| 0
| Miscellaneous
| ''It has been corrupted.''
| Grazes on [[mycelium]] instead of grass <ref name="corrupt">[[Bless]]ing the animal with a [[Libila]] [[priest]] will create this trait, and blessing with a [[Vynora]], [[Fo]], or [[Magranon]] priest will remove it.</ref>
|43 (24.50)
| Miscellaneous
| ~40
| 10
| Miscellaneous
| ''It has been corrupted.''
| Grazes on [[mycelium]] instead of grass <ref name="corrupt">[[Bless]]ing the animal with a [[Libila]] [[priest]] will create this trait, and blessing with a [[Vynora]], [[Fo]], or [[Magranon]] priest will remove it.</ref>
|43 (24.50)
| Miscellaneous
| ''Bred in captivity.''
| Informational, will not count toward the max number of traits
| ?
| 0
| '''Miscellaneous, Rare'''
| ''It has a chance to produce twins''
| Chance to birth twins
| ?
| 0
| '''Miscellaneous, Rare'''
| ''It seems immortal''
| Will never die as if cared for
| ?
| 0
| '''Miscellaneous, Rare'''
| ''It seems extremely tame''
| Aggressive animals become passive
| ?
| 0
| Negative
|39 (21.90)
| 5
| '''Output, Rare'''
| ''It has very good genes''
| Increased amount and quality of resources like milk and wool
| ?
| 0
| Output
| ?
| 20
| '''Output, Rare'''
| ''It has very good genes''
| Increased amount and quality of resources like milk and wool
| ?
| 0
| Speed
| ''It has very strong leg muscles.'' || Movement speed bonus
|26 (13.98)
| 1015
| Speed