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40 bytes removed, 00:28, 28 September 2021
== Creation ==
A dioptra is a somewhat difficult item to make. Assuming you use a [[protractorsight]] of about equal quality to your blacksmithing skill it can be created with as low as 30 skill in blacksmithing. It is recommended to improve the protractor sight first before you try to create it in order to increase the success rate. The quality of protractor sight affects creation chance.
* The dioptra uses 0.025 kgs of [[bronze lump]] to improve.
* A starter [[compass]] may be be used in the creation.
*90 blacksmithing skill, 14ql protractor sight gives 29% chance*66 blacksmithing skill, 14ql protractor sight gives 16% chance; 43ql protractor sight 50% chance*42 blacksmithing skill, 42ql protractor sight gives 25% chance*31.9 blacksmithing skill, 18ql protractor sight gives 6% chance
== Additional Notes ==


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