* To add items to the merchant:
#Right-click him the item in your inventory and click Prices > Set Price. Set the gold, silver, copper and iron price for the item.#Right-click the personal merchant and select '[[Trade]]'.
#Drag items from your inventory into the "Your Offer" window. The merchant will drag them down to his "Demand" window.
#Once finished, check Check the "You accept" checkbox.*Note that #The item will be added to the merchant's inventory, at the Prices shown price you selected.#The price in "Your Offer" are his evaluations unless you have set the prices manuallymerchant's inventory will be listed as in silver coins. (To set the price yourself, right-click So if you listed the item in your inventoryfor 1 gold, select Prices > Set price2 silver, 3 copper and set 4 iron, the number in the desired amount "price" column of goldthe merchant's trade screen will be 102.0304, meaning 102 silvercoins, 3 copper, coins and 4 iron coins you want for the item.)
=== Additional Notes ===