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Guides:Healing Guide

325 bytes added, 20:29, 24 May 2022
Undo revision 123173 by Nume (talk)
Wounds take 1 damage per tick for every 3 damage already accumulated. the following is a breakdown of the wound severities:
;<span style="color:rgb(249,197,96)">Very light</span> <span style="font-size:7pt">[[Wound:Very light|What's This?]]</span>: 0-5% damage. These wounds are less than 5 damage, and are healed within one tick. These wounds heal by themselves.
;<span style="color:rgb(248,137,84)">Light</span> <span style="font-size:7pt">[[Wound:Light|What's This?]]</span>: 5-15% damage. These wounds take 1 to 4 damage per tick, and will within one tick either heal or become Very Light. These wounds require a potency 1 - 5 Healing Cover to heal in one Tick.
;<span style="color:rgb(247,83,48)">Medium</span> <span style="font-size:7pt">[[Wound:Medium|What's This?]]</span>: 15-30% damage. These wounds take 5 to 10 damage every tick. They may be stable or may become Bad if not treated. These wounds require a potency 1 Healing cover or Bandage to begin healing, and a potency 5 or greater Healing cover to heal in one tick.
;<span style="color:rgb()">Bad</span> <span style="font-size:7pt">[[Wound:Bad|What's This?]]</span>: 30-45% damage. These Wounds take 10 to 15 damage every tick. They will never heal themselves, and will become Severe if not treated. These require a healing cover between 6 and 12 potency to begin healing, depending on their damage.
;<span style="color:rgb()">Severe</span> <span style="font-size:7pt">[[Wound:Severe|What's This?]]</span>: 45% and up. These wounds take 15 or more damage every tick. They will kill the character if not treated. These wounds require a strong healing cover to even stabilize. These wounds require a healing cover greater than 12 potency to begin healing at the lowest levels. Supreme healing covers 20+ potency recommended.


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