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Animal husbandry

90 bytes removed, 08:49, 9 June 2022
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** Activate a [[grooming brush]] and select ''groom'' while right-clicking on a groomable creature. This can be done to each animal once per hour.
** Grooming can be done while moving (and while mounted), so long as you do not move too far away (two tiles) from the tile you are currently working on.
** At AH skill level 40, you will be able to players can see exactly when the an animal will can be available for grooming groomed, e.g. {{event|inline|You can groom her againin 44 minutes.}}
** Shearing can be done while moving, so long as you do not move too far away (two tiles) from the tile you are currently working on.
** Shearing can not be done while mounted.
** At AH skill level 50, you will be able to players can see if the an animal is ready for shearingto shear wool and/or ready to milk using Inspect Animal.
*The ‘Inspect animal’ ability is gained at 10 Animal Husbandry skill.
*Players can see information about if an animal is hungry, breedable, and/or groomable.
*At AH level 40, players can see exactly when an animal can be groomed, e.g. {{event|inline|You can groom her again in 44 minutes.}}
*At AH level 50, players can see if an animal is ready to shear wool and/or ready to milk.
*At AH level 50, players can more accurately see when a female animal will give birth, e.g. {{event|inline|You predict she will give birth in 4 days, 9 hours.}}
*Use ‘Inspect animal’ on bred creatures to see traits.
**This displays all traits of a creature that you can see with your Animal Husbandry skill level. It also displays the categories of the traits you can’t normally see. With higher skill, you’ll be able to see other details in the Inspect animal window, such as time until a creature can be bred again, time until a creature can be groomed again, or whether a creature is hungry, or age of the creature.
*Players seem to be able to see when the animal is hungry, breedable, and groomable at an AH level below 50.
*At AH level 50, players can see if an animal is ready to shear wool and/or ready to milk and a more accurate pregnancy timer.


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