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Animal husbandry

473 bytes added, 01:38, 30 June 2022
Added details about pregnancy timer becoming more precise at higher AH skill
** Pregnancy times varies from 5-11 Wurm [[Wurm Universe|weeks]], regardless of species.
*** Examining the animal will show the remaining days left until birth; for example, {{event|inline|She will deliver in about 4 days.}} This is approximately 4 days, or 4 [[Wurm Universe|Wurm weeks.]]
*** At higher AH skill level 50levels, examining the animal will show a more exact and more precise pregnancy timer. *** Below AH skill level 45, it shows e.g. {{event|inline|You make an educated guess that she will give birth in 2 days.}} *** At AH skill level 45, the timer becomes slightly more precise, e.g. {{event|inline|You predict she will give birth in 4 days.}}*** At AH skill level 50, the timer includes approximate hours, e.g. {{event|inline|You predict she will give birth in 6 days, 9 hours.}}*** At AH skill level 63, the timer becomes more exact, e.g. {{event|inline|You feel confident she will give birth in 5 days, 5 hours.}}
** Breeding female animals with [[animal conditions|conditions]] such as [[Champion]] will provide a chance that the offspring will also have that characteristic. This chance is dramatically increased when breeding two animals with the same condition together. (Two Champions for example.)
** Breeding two animals with the same trait greatly increases the chance that the offspring will have the trait.


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