* [[Rite spells]] give 5 hours of sleep bonus to the relevant god's followers who pray within 24 hours of the spell being cast.
* The Vynoran spell [[Wisdom of Vynora]] can be used to transform a players available [[fatigue]] into sleep bonus.
* Sometimes SB is awarded for everybody as a compensation for some server problem that prevented normal Wurm play. Sporadically, there are times where players will have 10 hours of Sleep bonus unintendedly if the player has 5 hours accumulated already. This does not increase the pool of sleep you're able to accumulate and after you cannot gain any sleep bonus above 5 hours through sleeping if you're over your 5 hours despite having had 10 hours. *Per [http://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/4976-wurm-staff/ Keenan]: ''"Sleep bonus has a hard cap of 10 hours, and a soft cap of 5 or 6 depending on if you've completed the journal entry. This means that as a player, you can only gain up to 5 or 6 hours respectively, whereas we can grant sleep bonus up to a maximum of 10 hours total on your character."''
*Characters with high Fats nutrition level have reduced sleep bonus drain. This is done by restoring an amount of sleep bonus relative to the level of fat bar, for every 5 seconds of sleep bonus, receive x seconds back.
*When claiming sleep bonus increases from journal entries, the cap is 10 hours, the same as the developer given sleep bonus cap.
[[Category:Game mechanics]]