'''2) To Calculate max Max QL from skill etcFrom Skill Etc.''': You can use the formulas below to calulate what skill you need to get the ore you want or vice versa:
-Plug in any mining skill for X and solve for Y to get the max ore ql.
'''3) Data for supreme pickaxe with For Supreme Pickaxe With 100 mining imbueMining Imbue:'''
If you plot skill (x) and max ore ql (y) you get y=0.5861x+41. The R squared correlation is 0.9999 (this would be 1 if the data was perfect; 0.9999 is really good).
Predicted Some predicted Max QL ore (w/supreme pic + 100 imbue):
-Skill needed to get 100 ql ore: 100.66*
'''4) Using a rare pickaxe with no imbueRare Pickaxe With No Imbue:'''
The formula for this one is y=0.9187x+7.9445 (R-squared = 1).
'''5) Additional Notes:'''
-These data were collected after the recent updadte update to mining imbue that happend a month or two ago.
-I'm not sure if it's relevant but my pickaxe skill was always 1-2 points above my mining skill when these data were collected.