The hillside residential zone has construction space for 4 plots of land of 4x5 tiles, 4 plots of land of 5x2 and 4 plots of land of 4x2. This project does all infrastructure works surrounding these plots of land. Terrain work to create 4 plateau's on different levels. A 3 tile wide highway in the center of the zone with smaller roads branching out giving access to all plots.<br/> The amenities of the zone are:* Lanterns providing adequate lighting, * a sandstone fence protecting the area and * a wagoner container and on the 4th plateau.* a mailbox to give residents access to on every plot of land* Meditation rugs 10 tiles apart along the central highway* A water source on the postal service right next to their homesecond plateau. All decoration to * 2 trash bins* 4 altars 1 for every deity on the area is also part of this projectthird plateau * Decorative benches, braziers, flowers and bushes.