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Cloth glove

998 bytes added, Friday at 00:48
Gloves enchantments and runes
* It is the easiest piece to make and often used to get started training cloth tailoring skill.
* It is lightest pieces to make, so when [[improve|improving]] with [[string of cloth]], only 0.005 kg are consumed in each action (5% of its weight).
== Enchantments and runes ==
* Magical enchantments and runes on gloves affect actions that require hands: crafting clay items, improving clay items with the hand, forage, botanise. Since: [ Patch Notes 05-DEC-2023]
* Only magical effects such as runes and spell enchantments function for this purpose. For example, Wind of Ages will improve action speed and Circle of Cunning will improve skill gain.
* The glove is not being used as an actual tool, so it will not receive damage, and its quality, rarity, and material will have no impact on effectiveness. However, like a tool, enchantments will still decay from use.
* Enchantment/Rune effectiveness is averaged between both gloves. For example, having 100 Wind of Ages on one glove and 50 on the other will be equivalent to having 75 Wind of Ages on a tool, and having a rune on one glove but not the other will result in that rune being half as effective as usual.
== See also ==


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