*Planting [[flowers]] on a dirt tile yields flowers and grass on success. Planting [[thatch]] also creates a grass tile. This can be useful for keeping pens grassy to feed animals like [[cow]]s, [[bull]]s, [[horse]]s and [[deer]]. Note that animals can quickly graze or stomp the tile into [[packed dirt]].
*Planting grass also builds your [[gardening]] skill without wasting valuable [[sprout]]s.
*Planting a sprout also creates a tile that looks grassy, but animals cannot graze on tree tiles. Cutting the tree of or bush down will turn the tile back to a grass tile.
*If you dig on a grass tile, you create a [[dirt tile]]. All the grass tiles surrounding the corner that was dug will also turn into dirt.
*You can pack grass tiles with a [[shovel]] to convert them to packed dirt, e.g. for faster movement or for preparing them to be [[cultivate]]d into dirt or [[pave]]d.
*Grass can spread to near by dirt tiles as fast as within 24 hours real life time. Grass can also spread from a tree tile to adjacent tiles.
*The following types of [[Resource nodes]] can spawn on Grass tiles: [[Wildflowers]], [[Umbellifers]], [[Nightshades]], [[Mints]], [[Roots and bulbs]], [[Vines]], [[Briar patch]], [[Thicket]], [[Wild grasses]], [[Animal burrow]], [[Mineral debris]] and [[Tropical foliage]].
==Cut grass==