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Medium maul

187 bytes added, 09:52, 11 January 2007
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[[CDB|Main]] / [[:Category:weaponsSkills|WeaponsSkills]] / [[:Category:Mauls|MaulsSmithing]] / [[Weapon smithing]] / '''Maul{{PAGENAME}}''' 
== Description ==
A Maul maul is a weapon very similar in appearance to a Hammerhammer, except on a greater scale. It is used for bashing and bludgeoning things with, and is very effective against walls. The Maul maul is the normal size of 3 variants, and has a great balance between power and dexterity. Mauls do bashing damage. Mauls do the highest base damage of any weapon in its class before armor modifiers. In exchange for the high damage they parry less frequently then swords and have the slowest attack speed in class.
== Method ==
#Equip the [[Shaftshaft]] in your [[Inventoryinventory]].#Right click on the [[Maul Headmaul head]].#Select Create/[[Maul]].'''{{PAGENAME}}'''=== Tools Required required ===
=== Items/Resources Required required ===:*[[Maul Headhead]] - 3kg
:*[[Shaft]] - 1kg
=== Resulting Product ===
:*[[Maul]] '''{{PAGENAME}}''' - 4,0 kg
=== Skills Used ===
:*[[Weapon Smithingsmithing]]
=== Improving ===
Improve the [[Maul]] maul by following the impovment improvement details in examine.<br>Items needed : [[pelt|Pelt]], [[Iron Hammerhammer]], water, and a [[whetstone|Whetstone]]
[[Category:Smithing Items]]
[[Category:Weapon Smithing Items]]
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