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17 bytes removed, 12:51, 19 January 2007
favor is no longer gained by praying
Altars are primarily used to [[praying|pray]] at, to gain [[Faith]] and [[Favor]].
Altars also create the domain of the gods. You know when you're in such a domain when you get the message "You feel the presence of <god>".
Domains can overlap, but only the strongest domain can effect you. When you are in the domain of your [[Gods|God]] and have at least 10 faith, you'll get certain bonuses, including a [[Fightingfighting]] bonus. The amount of the bonus is effected by a great number of things, such as faith, [[Alignmentalignment]], the type of the altar (see below), the distance to the altar, the [[quality]] of the altar, and if you're a [[Champion]].
Priests also get a bonus of up to 20% to successfully cast a spell, and it increases the chance of casting a higher strength enchant spell.
Another use of altars is [[Sacrificingsacrificing]].
== Types of altars ==
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