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Client Key Bindings

911 bytes added, 03:20, 26 January 2007
no edit summary
bind f5 "say /sleep"
The new IRC Commands:
Irc [Server] [Port]
Ircsay [Msg]
Irc [Server] [Port]: This opens the IRC windows in the provided server and port, Heavenly place by Default.
Ircsay [Msg]: Says the given text in the IRC, could be used to auto identify your self by pressing {{key|F7}}
bind f7 "ircsay /identify *password*
Could also be used to Auto-Load the irc once the game starts by adding
In the autorun.txt file
Note: the Brackets [] aren't needed in the commands, it can just be.
ircsay hey guys
Another command i didn't see listed is exec, it loads a commands from a text file, that is all i currently know about this command.
It could be used like this...
bind F7 "exec irc.txt"
irc.txt could have the following in it...
ircsay /part #lobby
ircsay /identify *password*
ircsay /join #town channel or such
ircsay Hey guys.


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