In the religon of the stabbish, the world is created of 3 molecules which are called Stabbish, Blablish and Establish. Stabbish is the almighty ruler of the world and his religon cannot be disproved therefore he is correct.
"It all makes sense now!" - [[Player:Stabbish|Stabbish]]<br>"stabbish timecube makes more sense than you" - [[Player:Xeniphi|Xeniphi]]<br>"STABBISH BE SILENT" - [[Player:Jolinar|Jolinar]]<br>"Mute him now" - [[Player:Jolinar|Jolinar]]<br>"I agree. Keraunothnetophobia(n)- the fear of man-made satellites falling from orbit" - [[Player:Konnrade|Komrade]]<br>