== '''Location''' ==
South of the NT lake then continue South until the lake cove settlementIm a wild player now,continue south until you see another lake with Raffeh's house too the east side of the lake.and i wont give out my location =]
No Theives Please.
== Mayor Of ==
== Who He Lives With ==*'''F'''alhen
*'''C'''larence== Lives with ==
== Neighbours ==*'''Z'''tricky*'''D'''arius*'''J'''amesmax*'''N'''eoshadow*'''S'''hadaw
*'''K'''ochon*'''U'''niprixt*'''M'''iserysdaughter*'''U'''nclejimbo== Titles ==
== Warning ==[Digger][trollslayer]
*'''B'''eware '''O'''f '''T'''he '''D'''og *'''T'''resspassers '''W'''ill '''B'''e '''S'''hot, '''S'''urvivors '''W'''ill '''B'''e '''S'''hot '''A'''gain *'''H'''appy GamingFor now =]