* Talk of/about illicit drug use, possession, or sale.
* Use of vulgar language.
* Talking about internet service providers in a poor light.
* Discuss R rated themes, please keep chat PG, many players are very young.
* Any discriminatory remarks about someone's race, creed, sexuality, or lifestyle.
* If you are excessively combative or argumentative when warned or asked to change the subject.
* Attempting to pose as someone working for the game. (e.g. CM, GM, DEV).
* Talking about Comcast in relation to their services(or lack of service) or any note of Comcast or its subsidiaries.
* [[:wikipedia:Troll (Internet)|Trolling]].
* Mute you because of something you said in local.
* Mute you permanently, [[Devs and GMs|GMs]] alone reserve the right to mute for more than 24 hours, I'd ask them to refer any cases where they feel an extended mute is needed to a GM.
* Mute you in a manner inconsistant inconsistent with the procedure posted above.
* Mute without warning
* Abuse their position, or pose as a GM.
* Remove reasons from the non-exhaustive list when added by players who have been warned for that offence
''Note: mutes are now timed, so it's ok to log out if you've been mutedlimited in time and lifted by the server when the time elapsed or a moderator lifts the mute.''
See also [[Devs and GMs|Developers and Game Masters]]