== Villagers ==
=== Mayor ===
* [[Player:iaqb|Iaqbiaqb]]''' Emperor '''
: [[Lumberjack]], [[Digger]], [[Excavator]], [[Miner]], [[Prime Minester]], [[Handyman]], [[Goldsmith]], [[Trollslayer]], [[Chainsmith]], [[Renowned Chainsmith]], [[Mason]]
=== Advisers ===
[04:07:58] Jot proudly displays the 37 copper and 50 iron he found in the coffers of Vision Bay. (with S M) <br />
[05:06:23] Rozare proudly displays the 56 copper and 25 iron she found in the coffers of Fyrkat. (with S M) <br />
[21:08:43] Jot proudly displays the 56 copper and 25 iron he found in the coffers of Fyrkat. (with S M)<br />[00:36:12] iaqb proudly displays the 37 copper and 50 iron he found in the coffers of Homeside.(with S M)<br />[21:02:13] iaqb proudly displays the 37 copper and 50 iron he found in the coffers of Fyrkat.(with S M)<br />
== Merchants ==