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9 bytes removed, 22:35, 20 October 2008
* The [[Whitelighter]] [[Mol-Rehan|Kingdom of Mol-Rehan]] aka MR
* The [[Whitelighter]] [[Jenn-Kellon|Kingdom of Jenn-Kellon]] aka JK
* The [[Blacklighter]] [[Horde of the Summoned]] aka HOTS or B'ler
If a player wishes to change their kingdom, they must be invited to join by a member of that kingdom. All three kingdoms in the game are at war with each other for different reasons. The MR vs. JK conflict is over land and power ''(this is set to be the main conflict)'' and the MR, JK vs. HOTS is over religion (aka WL vs BL), this is set to be a smaller conflict.


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