Fo is the diety of [[gardening]] and [[farming]]. His [[channeling]] item is the tree [[sprout]].
== Fo's Converting Speech ==
Fo! <br>
His creations surround you. His love is everywhere around you. <br>
He is the father of all things. He created the world out of love and passion. <br>
To embrace Fo is to embrace all living things around you. <br>
All and everyone is equal, but different. <br>
We are all dirt. We area all gems. We just come in different shapes and colors. <br>
To create more and love all that is already created is to love Fo. <br>
To passionately strike down at those who aim to destroy these creations is to love Fo. <br>
To strive after beauty and harmony with nature is to love Fo. <br>
10 [[Faith]]:
:*[[Cure Light]]