People in the adjacent [[Settlement|village]] haven't seen her after the white shark's starfall in the year of 992 (10/22/08) anymore, probably believed to have fallen victim to the [[Animal conditions|raging]] [[Scorpion|scorps]] that heavily inhabitated the [[local]] area, sharing the fate of her former friends.
Word has been spread, she was seen again in the starfall of the saw in the year of 994 though, asking locals about the situation while she was away. Although she eventually moved away to visit a barely known [[:Category:Players|fellow]] in [[Chalice]], that she found dead emtpy empty and asked for shelter at [[Bennie Bay]] for a few days. After these days she built a [[rowing boat]] and decided to move on and in secret, [[convert]] to the [[Mol-Rehan]] kingdom.
She founded the [[Settlement|homestead]] of [[Ussta Delmah]] in the [[Astronomy and geography|great lands]] of [[Johen King]] on wrath day in week 4 of the starfall of diamonds in the year of 994, living there since.