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114 bytes added, 17:40, 14 December 2009
ItA '''hand''' is part of a [[player]]'s body used to [[create]] or [[improve]] [[clay]] items. Double-click a hand(shown in the player's [[inventory]]), right-click a lump of [[clay]], and create either a [[bowl]], [[jar]], or [[flask]].
Can be used to create or improve clay objects. Double-click any of your hands, right click a lump of [[clayWeapon]] s and create either other items can be equipped in a hand by dragging the item onto a [[bowl]], [[jar]] or flaskhand. The player will automatically hold the weapon and attack with it.
You [[Glove]]s can equip also be equipped for protection, but '''note that [[weaponshields]]s in your hands by dragging them into it. You will automatically hold are to be equipped upon the weapon and attack with itarm.'''
[[Glove]]s can also be equipped for protection, but '''note that [[shields]] are to be equipped upon Weapons in the armright hand will attack faster than a weapon in the left.'''
Weapons in one's right hand will attack faster than a weapon in the left.


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