The body is where you can place your items and armour. To equipt items/armour, you need to first open your body (see below), then, depending on what you want to put on, you open different tabs inside the body.
Helmet/coif - Drag the armour peice to your head. (Open body)<br>
Jacket - Drag the armour piece to your torso. (Open body)<br>
Sleeves - Drag the armour pieces to your left and right arm. (Open torso)<br>
Gloves - Drag the armour pieces to your left and right hand. (Open torso, then arms)<br>
Boots - Drag the armour pieces to your left or right foot. (Open torse, then legs)<br>
Weapons - Drag the weapons/items to your hands. Your right hand will do more attacking then the left hand, and will parry more often. See [[Weapon]]s<br>