The Inventory is a place where you put carry your stuff, you can open it by pressing F3.
The body is where you can place your items weapons and armour. To equipt itemsequip weapons/armour, you need to first open your body (see below), then, depending on what you want to put on, you open different tabs inside the body. {| border=1!Body!v!-!v|----!!Head!v!Torso!v!-!-!v!-!v|----!!!Face!!Legs!v!-!Left Arm!v!Right Arm!v|----!!!!!!Left Foot!Right Foot!!Left Hand!!Right Hand|----||Coif||Vest<br>Quiver<br>Backpack|Pants|Boot|Boot|Sleve<br>Shield|Glove<br>Off Weapon<br>2 Hand weapon|Sleve|Glove<br>Main Weapon|}
Helmet/coif - Drag the armour peice to your head. (Open body)<br>
To activate an item, all you smilply do is click the item you want to use, twice. After the item is active, you can start doing actions that require that item.
The item will also show up at the bottom of the inventory next to '''Active:'''
==Column Headings==
{| border=1!Body!v!-!v|----|Sleve|Glove<br>Main Weapon|}
==Item & Weight Limits==