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1,208 bytes added, 00:46, 4 February 2011
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'''A Bit About Ein'''
I spend most of my time on Wurm, not all of it, but a good chunk. If I'm not on, then I'll be either Sleeping or Playing other games (Such as: Mass Effect 2, Oblivion, Mirrors Edge, or some FPS game). I spend most of my time on Wurm talking to people, traveling, and sometimes grind my skills (Not that often though). I enjoy helping beginners by providing them with tools to keep them playing Wurm, and hopefully becoming productive members of the Wurm Community. In-turn I also hope that they will go on to give good deeds to others, as I have to them.
'''Other sources of contact:'''
'''Yahoo:''' wurmeinherjar
'''Aim:''' WurmEinherjar
October (or November) I won't be as active, as I will be traveling a lot for business. Will mostly be in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sapporo, London and Moscow during the span of a year, but I will still try to get on as much as possible. Once I am back home, I will be more active. As for now though, I will be on as much as I possibly can.
Einherjar will be willing to pay for Prem. Time if he deems you worthy, and have some references to support your good behavior.
*If I have seen you around helping others, I will not need a reference
Currently staying in the village of [ none, willing to join, contact me in-game ]Black Dragon Valley
Mayor: '''Corinth, Aram'''
'''Esau''' ( If not on, Contact Esau and he will message me )
*more that are not listed
**Friends I talk to the most


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