813 bytes added,
02:47, 13 April 2011 Started in late 2008, living on Jenn-Kellon Home on a satellite deed of [[Tuscany]] with [[Dreww]].
Moved to Freedom at its opening, and lived in [[Hidden Valley]] until April of 2011.
Zebra currently resides...somewhere on the Wild server. He's a member of the kingdom of Jenn-Kellon, and a citizen of...uh, somewhere.
'''Facts about Zebrafreak:'''
Zebra keeps a very messy inventory, and is bad about leaving random things laying around (causing them to become lost)
Zebra likes to ride ponies, although he prefers cows.
Zebra's first pet was a bull
Zebra likes to mine
Zebra dies a lot
Zebra eats his meals cold
Zebra's favorite drink is warm milk from a cow
Zebra cannot cook, despite many attempts
'''Zebrafreak's Titles:'''