* '''CM''' - [[Chat moderator|Chat Moderator]]
* '''CoC''' - [[Circle of Cunning]]
* '''COD''' - Cash On Delivery ''(see [[Mailbox#Postage|mailboxes]])''
* '''Dom''' - [[Dominate]]
* '''FA''' - [[Flaming Aura]]
* '''FB''' - [[Frostbrand|Frost Brand]]
* '''FS''' - [[Fighting|Fighting Skill]]
* '''GM''' - [[Game master]]
* '''GV''' - [[Golden Valley]]
* '''HFC''' - [[Hot food cooking]]
* '''HoTS''' - [[Horde of the Summoned]]
* '''HD''' - [[Human's Demise]]
* '''MS''' - [[Mind stealer|Mind Stealer]]
* '''NB''' - [[Nimbleness]]
* '''Prem''' - [[Premium]]
* '''QL''' - [[Quality Level]]
* '''RT''' - [[Rotten Touch]]
* '''WOS''' - [http://wurm.riceri.se/ Wurm Online Skillcompare]
And there are many more.
: ''See [[Bank of Wurm]] for more details.''
<div style="border:#00f 1px solid;background-color:LightGoldenRodYellow;margin-right:60%;padding:0px 3px;margin-bottom:10px;">
* '''i''' - Iron
* '''c''' - Copper
* '''s''' - Silver
* '''g''' - Gold
<div style="border:#00f 1px solid;background-color:#B5F2D2;margin-right:60%;padding:0px 3px;margin-bottom:10px;">
* '''FM''' - [[Freedom Market]]
* '''IMO''' - In my opinion
* '''IMHO''' - In my humble opinion (or "In my honest opinion" or "In my hated opinion")
* '''PLS''' - Please
* '''PMSL''' - Pissing my self laughing
* '''PvP''' - [[PvP|Player versus Player]]
* '''PvE''' - [[PvE|Player versus Environment]]
* '''OFC''' - Of ****ing course
* '''OMW''' - On my way
==See Also see: ==[http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Internet_slangInternet Slang]