''It is 12:34:10 on Day of The Ant on week 3 of the starfall of dancers in the year of 1007.The Settlement of New Vagrant has just been founded by Traslogan.'' - Event Panel
''I've came up with the idea of a new wurmian cereal made of wemp and vegetables. I call it 'wempetables'.'' - Traslogan
''My affinity is in first aid...I can jump off cliffs and get benefits :D '' - Traslogan
''I t0ld you n00bz...I'm Ub3r Ub3r L33T.'' - Mort
''Who-lives-in-a-pineapple-under-the-sea?'' ''SPONGE-BOB-SQUARE-PANTS!'' ''Who-died-in-an-oil-spill-caused-by-BP?!'' ''SPONGE...Bob....Squarepants?'' - Traslogan ''It is 16:16:44 in the day of Awakening in week 1 of the starfall of the Saw in the year 20101010. The settlement of Traslogan's Retreat has just been founded by Traslogan.''
''Why did I return?'' - Paterso(in 2010)
''you are free... run... run and play.... and likely drown'' - Enki
==Traslogan's 'Favourite' Pasttimes==