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662 bytes added, 06:22, 18 September 2011
Created page with 'I am the Wurmian Chazman and Boazik. I first started playing Wurm Online back in late 2009 sadly I can't remember what year, I got into Wurm because a number of my friends were p…'
I am the Wurmian Chazman and Boazik. I first started playing Wurm Online back in late 2009 sadly I can't remember what year, I got into Wurm because a number of my friends were playing but my good friend Josh really was the one that got me in on Wurm. Me and my friends headed out from Glitterdale back in GV so we could start a community or maybe a village. We settled near Brohalla, after we spent a bit of time their we moved on to a nice place near Scorpion Stone. We shaped alot of the land near Scorpion Stone and tried to turn it into a place for us all.

This will be continued later and severely edited to be in a much more readable and understandable.


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