[[CDB|Main]] / [[:Category:Items|Items]] / [[:Category:Artifact|Artifact]] / [[Steel Sword of Magranon]]
[[Image:Sword of Magranon.png|right|thumb|200px]]
== Description ==
A heavy two-handed sword of incredible quality made from steel and with a comfortable hilt of leatherbound silver filigran. It is enchanted with [[Demise spells| Libila's demise]], and has an aggressive aura towards Libila.
== Item use Notes ==A player can wield the sword in his or her two hands, it is effectively {{Artifact|altar=[[White Light]]}}* [[Flaming Aura]] effect.* Can be wielded by a [[huge sword|Blacklighter]] as a two-handed sword]] and makes use of the related skill. However, it has been noted to be very slow and ineffective; at is unknown whether it degrades in effectiveness in the end hands of beta testing, it was found to be inferior to enchanted swords when tested at a skill level follower of 32Libila. It is (outdated?)* Can not known whether be enchanted.* Followers of Magranon get bonuses when using this has changed recentlyweapon.
Using the item gives the following message:
You feel how the light of (your deity) shines on you.
The effects of this are unknown.
This artifact has been revealed by Nubbs 7-15-2009
:* Can't be enchanted.
:* Can be wielded by a [[Blacklighter]] as a two-handed sword, it is unknown whether it degrades in effectiveness in the hands of a follower of Libila.
:* Does not decay.
:* Gives bonus to hit against followers of Libila.
[[Image:Sword of Magranon.png|left|thumb|200px]]