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11 bytes removed, 16:30, 28 May 2012
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== Personal Profile ==
Roman is a player who resides based in The Freedom IslesNorth East Exodus known for attending many slaying events. He is known as an avid hunter makes frequent trips to Esert and Southern Exodus for hunting, visiting friends and frequently attends public slaying eventsto provide random assistance to strangers.
Roman He is the only player in Wurm known to have been involved in the slaying of all three red dragons on the Freedom Isles. He was also among the first group of players to take down the very first Avatar ever encountered in Wurm. As an seasoned hunter randomly give out gifts and author of the Hunting Guide on this wiki, Roman offers assistance offer advice to new players with regards to hunting preparation, tactics, and gear selection.
Roman is also the only player to have been involved in the slaying of all 3 red dragons on the Freedom Isles. He also dealt the killing blow against the red dragon of Independence and the Goblin Leader of Deliverance.


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