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9 bytes added, 17:29, 28 September 2012
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== Achievements ==
* '''Giantslayerx1''' - Killed the Forest Giant of Exodus.
* '''Giantslayer #2x2''' - Lead a contingent of approximately 20-30 inexperienced and mostly poorly equipped locals to slay the Forest Giant of Deliverance. (21/09/2011)
* '''Giantslayer #3x3''' - Killed the Kyklops of Deliverance.
* '''Giantslayer #4x4''' - Killed the Forest Giant of Celebration.
* '''Dragonslayerx1''' - Slayed the Green Dragon on Deliverance. (24/09/2011)
* '''Dragonslayer #2x2''' - 2nd Dragonslayer title. Slaying the Red Dragon of Exodus. (03/01/2012)
* '''Dragonslayer #3x3''' - 3rd Dragonslayer title. Slaying the Red Dragon of Deliverance. (15/01/2012)
* '''Dragonslayer #4x4''' - 4th Dragonslayer title. Slaying the Red Dragon of Independence (19/03/2012)
* '''Dragonslayer #5x5''' - 5th Dragonslayer title. Slaying the Green Dragon of Celebration (04/06/2012)
* '''Avatar Slayer #1x1''' - Slayed the Avatar of Libila on Independence. (01/11/2012)
* '''Avatar Slayer #2x2''' - Slayed the Avatar of Vynora on Deliverance. (19/02/2012)
* '''Avatar Slayer #3x3''' - Slayed the Avatar of Vynora on Deliverance. (05/03/2012)
* '''Fearlessx1''' - Roman and a small group of fighters killed the Goblin Leader of Deliverance. Roman landed the killing blow and received the extremely rare Goblin Leader's Short Sword as a trophy. (24/09/2011)
* '''Freedom's 1st Avatar Slayers''' - Was amongst the 1st group of fighters to take down an Avenger of Light on the Freedom Servers.


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