Silent Hill is a size 57x55 village located near an inland lake in the eastern reaches of the world.
If you want to find us you can use these maps:
* From Samling to Silent Hill [http://silenthillvillage.x10hostingx10.commx/images/maps/freedommap2.png Roadmap]
* From Freedom Market to Silent Hill [ Roadmap]
The survivors of the Silent Hill settlement on JKH migrated to the Freedom Isles when the server opened up and set up Silent Hill once again. To begin with the new settlement was a size 10 village, but it later expanded.
'''''Silent Hill is currently recruiting new villagers, /tell [[Player:Eliasthecrimson|Eliasthecrimson]] or visit [http://silenthillvillage.x10hostingx10.commx/ our web pages] if interested in joining us!'''''